
My sun is covered with my quest for the truth, i now realise that the truth is hidden in the darkest of places, not knowing how it got there, but the reward of finding it, is sunshine...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dear Rajiv.

Dear Rajiv, this is not an obituary nor am I going to portray a eulogy through these words. I will de-mystify death my friend, for you live and always will.

Never thought that the day would begin with such news, and never really cared about how the world outside functioned, for that dear brother I apologise, the feeling that I share with possibly a thousand others is unexplainable explicitly through words, it takes about a lightspeed rush of emotions, which leaves us dumbfounded and thoroughly shocked.

That last match, the winning boundary. The celebratory hostel ‘rice & dal’ which somehow tasted like heaven for victory was the essence of it, never relished a meal so much bro. your enthusiasm to bring change to a steadfast bunch still amazes me, and the life you chose to give us through your undying energy will somehow always inspire us through the rest of our lives. The final two months of college might just feel like another age, with cold smiles and non-zealous actions. I do not sympathise to sadden the state we all have found ourselves in, I know you wouldn’t have appreciated it much, life goes on and so it shall pass, as always. It’s just a tad more difficult for us to live it with memories which will remind us of your dedication towards physics, algorithms and all that, the other side of engineering that I always asked help for, and you never shied from providing it.

The morning of the Viva-voce, and our Study-kiosk would take care of us. The confidence you exhibited through your love for ‘hindi’ and how Indians need hindi more will make me wonder about the rest of the world on one side and you on one, you still held your own. We could be more like the Chinese, and make it on our own! I believe you friend, and the passionate conversations regarding the same will live on, I assure you.

A million detours later when the news hit the fan, I like anyone else couldn’t believe it, and honestly, I still can’t. I guess at this point let me try and kill inhibitions about that cloaked figure, death. The time was just wrong, it was wrong and a questionable doubt in everyone’s mind will alter sleep for many nights. The weird thing about death is, since it is sudden and unruly for many instances, the distress and anguish will create an equally difficult life ahead of us, time will heal, but teach as well. I’ve learnt my share.
Respecting life every time death shows it’s ugly face will cliché’ our beliefs, celebrating life will create guilt. Somehow, death will always play its part in the worst aftertaste, Life with all it’s colours, it’s ambiguity, It’s intricate details will always chose to amaze us, and sometimes shake hands with our cloaked demeanor to pass the torch on. You will always glow, and provide light in our lives. All that you have left behind, will glow with your presence in our souls. From one soul to another, rest in peace old friend. Love

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